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  法國(guó)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū) 1

Dear xx,


  My name is Yu, Im 18 years old xxxxxx Senior three.

  At 20xx I took part in the national physics competition of middle schoolstudents in autumn of, and won the second prize. So I got to participatexx Imnot qualified. For this, I feel very surprised and honored. After considerationand weighing, I chose your university as my goal. Although facing the unknownresults, I was uneasy, but I decided to give it a try.

  I am a child through books to accept the Confucian and Taoist culture, Itreat people with courtesy, also can be honest and trustworthy, enthusiasticcollective. Its just that sometimes people become estranged because of too muchetiquette. Sometimes it lacks the courage to stand up. Im trying to changemyself.

  In my study, I have been able to rank in the top ten of the class, and mygrades are superior in the whole school. However, in front of the collegeentrance examination, this is not an ideal result. Im good at science -sometimes Im the first in my class, but Im not good at liberal arts. I like tostudy problems and problems, and I like to ponder things quietly. I am evaluatedas "a student who thinks differently from others" by the teacher. I dare not saywhether I am excellent or not, but I enjoy the feeling of being different.

  In the extracurricular, I have a wide range of interests, in independentresearch has also been more proud of my achievements. I once spent a year in myspare time to make a game. The work was praised for its ingenuity andcreativity, but its popularity was low due to the lack of plot. During the year,the production process was intermittent, and the program idea made me racking mybrain, constantly carrying on the psychological struggle between playing gamesand doing projects. Collect materials, algorithms, audio clips... Every step isvery attentive. Many firsts have given me a lot of experience. Then, when it isfinally completed, the joy is irreplaceable. I learned one very important thing,that is persistence.

  Another part-time experience that benefited me a lot was music score. BecauseI like a piece of TV music very much, I try to write it as a piano score. I havecet-5 certificate of amateur electronic organ, but it is still not easy. Afterthe bottleneck, I turned to the Internet. However, how many people will helpstrangers to do this kind of trouble? The answer is zero. So I decided to do itby myself. I didnt expect that after my own efforts, I really wrote it! Fromthis, I learned another important thing, that is, to be self reliant. No one canrely on you. It is meaningful to overcome difficulties by ourselves.

  Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that although I can only achieve theupper secondary school grades in the current, I will certainly be able to do mybest when I go to the university to study my favorite subjects and yearn forthem. At that time, I would choose my own career and devote myself to it.Believe me to do better - and I hope you can believe it.

  I think my most important advantage is that I have time - just like everyoneelse. I still have the opportunity to change myself and complete myself in myfour years of University. To fight for it, thats what Im doing now. I hopeyour school can give me a chance to realize myself. Looking forward to yourapproval!

  Yours sincerely,


  法國(guó)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū) 2

Dear xxx,

  The progression of technology and the effects it has had on civilisationhas always fascinated me, and generated within me a profound interest in theSciences. More recently, I have begun to excel more in Biology than Chemistry orPhysics, and this is where I wish to continue my studies. In my opinion,Biological Technologies are an important resource, and are fast becoming moreimportant to industry and medicine, as fields like Bio-Materials and Geneticsare developed. I believe that there are still many new and exciting discoverieswaiting to be found, hidden within nature, and of beneficial use to humans andthe environment. I want to be a part of the next discovery

  It is possible that the roots of my fascination with science come from myfirst trip to the library. As dull and as eccentric as it may seem, the bookthat I chose in the five minutes before closing time was one on Fungus of theBritish Isles. After that, I read a lot of the Eyewitness Guides series,detailing the advances in technologies from the Stone Age to the present day.What I enjoy reading now, in magazines like New Scientist, and on other sciencewebsites, is how new innovations can be put to practical use to solve modernproblems

  For example, how genetic fingerprinting can be used for identificationpurposes, or how gene technology could be used to incorporate newcharacteristics into plants that enable them to grow in damaged salt farmland.Then there is the possibility that biomass, and other renewable biological fuelscould be used to at least partially replace the fossil fuels that are beginningto run out, and have been damaging the environment for a long time. Lastly, Ifind it amazing how spider silk is stronger than steel cable, weight for weight,and that in countries like China, bamboo is strong enough to be used forscaffolding that we in the western world have to use steel for. In facts likethis, I believe lies enormous potential. In nature and in society, where Ibelieve just about everyone and every thing has a place and function, thepossibilities are endless

  I have only had two jobs to date. I have worked as lead waiter in a smallrestaurant, and now as a cinema employee. Other than skills of handling money,or responsibility to do a job properly, the most important lesson I think I havelearned is the importance of teamwork

  The thing I have learned is that every single person has differentabilities, skills, tolerances, likes, and dislikes. The trick is seeing wherethey fit, like the pieces to a puzzle. After finishing my education, I haveconsidered research as a career. It would be a nice dream to make a famousdiscovery and go down in history, but I have not made any plans set in concreteyet. I would rather consider all of my options before I go ahead, as glory willnot put food on the table

  Outside of my studies, I dont read books about fungi any more, but Isocialise with friends and meet new people, I play computer games, use theinternet, and apart from my science reading, I like to read novels - usually ofthe medieval and fantasy genre. I also have an interest in film, and working ata cinema, I am able to watch quite a lot of movies. The strangest of myinterests, is that I take medieval martial arts lessons with a group called TheExiles. They translate manuscripts from the 15th Century, and as a group weinterpret what they mean, and learn how the techniques shown actually work. Wework with different weapons, like long sword, dagger, and spear, but as thebasis of the system stems from unarmed combat, there is a lot of body mechanicsinvolved, and I have learned a lot about the dynamics of body movement. Eventhough fighting with medieval weapons might not be the most often used skill intodays world, it is an interesting experience nonetheless.

  Yours sincerely,


  法國(guó)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū) 3

Dear xx,

  Born in xx to parents who valued education above everything else, Iconsistently excelled my classmates in primary and high school. My father, asenior engineer of a huge manufacturing company, would not accept any secondbest performance in my studies, and I never disappointed him. One way for me tostay the top student was to pursue a wide variety of interests that helped tokeep me physically strong and intellectually sharp. An acclaimed footballplayer, I led my high school’s football team as its captain into winning thecity’s football championship. I also enjoyed literature, music andtraveling.

  As the best student of my high school, I was well prepared in 1991 when Itook the National University Entrance Examinations, held nationwide once everyyear to screen high school graduates for higher education. Of the 100,000 highschool graduates who took the exams that year in my province, I ranked thefourth in overall scores. On the strength of these scores, I gained acceptanceinto the Finance & Accounting Department of the Beijing University, whichPresident Clinton described as the Harvard of China on his recent trip to thiscountry.

  At the Beijing University, the country’s best institution of higherlearning, I continued to be the best student of the class. The university’sbusiness school, to which the Finance & Accounting Department belongs,emphasizes, English and computers. I did well in all of them. In the finalexams, I got the full grade for calculus, and the highest grade in my class instatistics, liner algebra, microeconomics, finance, banking and econometrics. Myaverage grade was 90 on the 1 to 100 scale, making me the undisputed academicleader among my fellow students.

  I began to have significant academic publications while I was still anundergraduate student, something highly unusual in China. Taking advantage ofthe university’s well cultivated atmosphere of academic freedom, I undertookextensive research on top of my regular course load, which culminated in thepublication of a book, titled “Out of Dilemma”. As the principal author of thebook, I made sure that the book presented an insightful study of the Westernbusiness management methods, especially those proven effective in the experienceof the Fortune 500 corporations. The book was unique at the time in thatdetailed case studies were presented on a number of well-known Chinese companiesagainst the Western business management approaches introduced in the book.

  I was also the only undergraduate in my department who published a researchpaper in an academic journal. In the “The investment risk and its measurement”,published in the January 1996issue of Chinese Technology and Economy Science, Ipresented a mathematical model I myself have developed on the measurement ofmarket risks. Although the model has yet to be proven in empirical research, ithas received positive review among Chinese economists. It should serve as anadvanced starting point for me to conduct further studies and research.

  With an impeccable academic record and virtually unprecedentedpublications, I received many awards and honors, including the OutstandingStudent Honor in October 1992, the Guanghua Scholarship in 1994, and theOutstanding Student Honor in 1996. In recognition of my achievements, theBusiness School of the Beijing University offered in 1996 to accept me forgraduate studies without the normally mandatory examinations, a privilege thatis granted to only what the university considers the exceptionally gifted.

  I, however, declined the offer by my alma mater. Instead, I joined theChinese Da Chuan (Group) Company, one of the world’s biggest shipping companies,to work with its Planning & Financial Division at its headquarters inBeijing. I wanted to apply what I had learned both in class and outside of it toanalysis of real business operations before I commenced my graduate studies.

  That has since proved to be the right decision. Working with the Chinese DaChuan Company, with its 117 branches around the world, gave me a vantage pointfrom which I easily and regularly observe all sorts of financial activities,such as the capital flow, the investment, the making of accounting statements,the cost control, and the innovation in accounting computer systems. This hasnot only enriched my knowledge of finance and given me clear perception into thecompany itself but also provided me with the necessary empirical data for moreadvanced studies in general.

  While with the Chinese Da Chuan Company, I saw first hand just how big thedifferences are between the accounting practices in China and those in thedeveloped world. To summarize my observations, I published a paper titled “TheComparison between Foreign Accounting Information System and Domestic AccountingInformation System” in the respected journal of Finance and Accounting forCommunications. On the basis of these observations, I began to appreciateChina’s critical need to learn the more sophisticated accounting practices fromthe West. In accounting as in so many other areas, China must bridge the gapwith the West if it is to survive and develop in the develop in the evershrinking global village.

  Two years has passed since I first started at the Chinese Da Chuan Company,and I now feel that it is essential that I receive further and more advancedtraining in a quality Western university. Hence my application for acceptanceinto your university.

  Yours sincerely,


  法國(guó)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū) 4

Dear x,

  A variety of influences have led me to decide to pursue studies and asubsequent career within the field of International Relations, not the least ofwhich include my current organization of employment, my academic and volunteerwork, and my upbringing in the United States Foreign Service. Currently I workat the xInstitute (xI), a think tank in New York devoted to internationalpolicy formulation and analysis that enjoys a uniquely close relationship withthe United Nations nearby. While here, I have had the exceptional opportunity toobserve extensive policy debate and analysis involving many academic experts anddiplomats, which has in turn played an instrumental role in nurturing an avidinterest of my own in the topics of peace building and development. It is myintention that through studies at your institution I will develop the necessaryskills to identify and analyze the same sort of key issues that have piqued myinterest whilst at this organization. Equipped with this knowledge, I fullyintend to become involved in these processes, either through work connected toUN initiatives or in a similar position at an affiliated nongovernmentalorganization.

  As an employee at xI, I’ve regularly made connections between my pastexperiences and the topics would I read about in the organization’s publicationsand learned about at its numerous events. With a specific focus on regions ofconflict, I became immediately captivated by their analysis of the variouschallenges in conflict resolution, creating sustainable reconciliation and thedilemmas in building legitimate states through outside intervention. As humanrights are amongst the primary motivations for these efforts, I was impressed bythe similarity to my own objectives as a Red Cross volunteer during theHurricane Katrina relief effort and my undergraduate studies in the economics ofpoverty prior. Having worked at a shelter providing full time assistance toprograms helping to assimilate back into society those displaced by theaforementioned disaster, I was driven by the inclination of opinion that withoutsuch help the victims would be far less likely to enjoy a normal opportunity tolive by the same standards as those who happened to be more fortunate.Similarly, the notion that poverty represents a denial of empowerment to thoseafflicted served as a basis for my academic focus in University, specifically inregards to the mixed effects of NAFTA in Northern Mexico and the connectionsbetween wealth disparity and the arising of political conflict in the MiddleEast and Asia.

  Viewing topics on a worldwide scale has appealed to me since childhood,being raised in Belgium, Greece and Morocco due to my father’s assignments as aforeign affairs officer and my mother’s background as a Syrian. Theseexperiences have developed within me an understanding of the importance ofcritical approaches toward cultural differences, especially in how they serve asa basis for certain viewpoints on issues. As a result I naturally became veryinterested in politics at a young age, which I put to practice in High Schooland University through extracurricular political leadership activities. Althoughadmittedly in hindsight I might have been over-involved when in University,co-founding two organizations in my first year alone, mentoring and gettingelected to several of the highest positions and committees in the studentgovernment, my work in the end proved extremely rewarding, earning high esteemfrom faculty and peers and culminating in awards for outstandingachievement.

  Some years from now I would like to see myself working towards theestablishment of sustainable governance and development in regions emerging fromconflict. Your institution’s courses in Conflict Studies and HumanitarianIntervention in particular would be very relevant to this objective, providingme with the necessary knowledge and skills I would need to best understand andanalyze the key issues inherent in this field. Pursuing my master’s degree atyour institution would be an invaluable experience as I aim to comprehend thecauses and nature of crisis and conflict and the processes involved in solvingthem. I sincerely hope that you will give me the opportunity to realize thisgoal.

  Yours sincerely,


  法國(guó)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū) 5

Monsieur le Président,

  Dans le souhait dune inscription auprès de votre université, jai lhonneur de vous exposer ci-dessous mes principales motivations.

  Jétudie le fran?ais depuis bient?t quatre ans, et jobtiendrai ma licence(bac+4) en juillet 2020 .

  Outre la langue fran?aise, jai étudié aussi...la littérature fran?aise à laquelle je mintéresse particulièrement.

  Après lobtention de mon dipl?me, jaimerais poursuivre mes études de littérature fran?aise dans votre université réputée pour son enseignement de littérature.

  Or, pour entreprendre les démarches nécessaires, jai besoin d’un certificat de pré-inscription délivré par votre université. Cest pourquoi je vous demande quelles conditions je dois remplir pour obtenir ce certificat et quelles sont les attesations que je devrais fournir.

  Si cest possible, pourriez-vous me faire parvenir, à ladresse ci-dessus, un dossier dinscription ?

  Vous remerciant par avance de votre bienveillance, je vous prie dagréer, Monsieur le Président, lexpression de mon profond respect.

  Yours sincerely,


  法國(guó)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū) 6

Dear x,

  I am planning to pursue graduate studies towards a Ph.D. degree at your school of engineering starting from the fall of 1999.

  My interest in the building structure can be traced back to my success in high school years, when I excelled my fellow classmates in physics and geometry. This not only fired off my interest in structural design but also helped to lay solid groundwork for my undergraduate studies in civil engineering, which heavily involved mechanics in physics and solid geometry.

  With excellent scores in the compulsory national university entrance examination, I won acceptance in 1991 into the Beijing Polytech University, one of China’s top 10 engineering schools, particularly well-known for its structural engineering. For five years at this university, I received strict and thorough training in areas such as building structures, building materials. Soil mechanics and foundation, concrete and masonry structures, construction, steel structure and earthquake resistant structure. I also took every opportunity to participate in co-po work and projects commissioned by construction and design companies.

  Opportunities abound for civil engineers and civil engineering students in China, which now houses the world’s fastest growing major economy. At every year’s job fair held on the campus of the Polytech University, more than 200 positions compete for 60-odd graduating students. Under such circumstances, undergraduate students in their fifth year are also in high demand for internship at various construction companies and design institutes. Virtually every student gets a full workload immediately upon starting the internship and assumes considerable responsibilities soon afterwards.

  I became the luckiest among the lucky by winning a rare opportunity for any civil engineer: to participate in the design of the Beijing Western Railway Station, the largest urban structure in China up to date. This happened while I interned, along with five other schoolmates, at the Beijing Architectural Institute. This institute has designed virtually all the modern landmark buildings in China, including the famous Great Hall of the People and the Museum of Revolutionary History on the Square, the Beijing Railway Station and the Asian Games Village. It was on the strength of my academic merits that I got to enjoy these opportunities.

  The Western station project in Beijing consisted of the mail hall (70,000 square meters), south wing building group (40,000 square meters) and north wing building group (35,000 square meters). My task was to assist in the design of a shopping centre in the south wing which had 16,000 square meters. I independently accomplished a quarter of the design for the whole building, mainly responsible for the foundation design, calculation and drawing of steel distribution of beam, floor, columns and concrete piles. I cherished this opportunity to apply the knowledge I had learned in the classroom to the real world problems and I worked with my utmost dedication.

  I, however, soon found out that, even in this monumental project, design techniques applied in many cases left much to be desired. When treating the wind load, the earthquake force and the effect of frozen soil, historical data and intelligent estimates were used in place of accurate measuring. This phenomenon made me determined to improve my knowledge and skills in a graduate program that can teach sophisticated know-how, such as yours.

  It regrettably turned out that the design of the mail hall was seriously flawed, which drew intense media attention nationwide. The structure sank two meters after completion. As experts continue to help the court determine who is responsible, I myself have been awed by this drama and kept researching it ever since it became known.

  My tentative explanation, submitted to take into account the underground water’s power of buoyancy, even though the structure base was put below the waterbed. The structure floated until enough load was mounted. The proper construction method therefore should have involved artificial precipitation until the completion of structure.

  Upon graduation in 1996, I joined the Beijing Biggest Co., one of the four largest construction companies in China, and immediately took on management duties as an assistant manger at the construction site. I have supervised steel engineering, concrete engineering and platform engineering for there twenty-three story buildings in the Beijing DD residential area, a total of 60,000 square meters in apartments. In this capacity, I was compelled to learn management skills which had never been taught in the classroom. Although construction management is not what I foresee to be a lifetime pursuit, I executed my duty meticulously and creatively. I became the first construction site manager in the company to conduct experiments comparing box-weir maintenance and the traditional manual watering method. By using box-weir method, weak concrete and cracks in the concrete were eliminated. Through these important, albeit small, steps of improvement, I have derived immense satisfaction.

  My vigorous academic training and exposure to intricate design problems and complex construction management issues has stood me in good stead professionally compared to my peers. My plan to further my career through advanced studies stems from self-confidence in my academic calibre and also a strong desire to solve design and construction problems encountered at work. I have researched your program based on the materials I have available to me and decided that advanced studies under your seasoned guidance will be a shortcut for me to reach my goal. I request that you give my application for admission and financial support favourable consideration.

  Yours sincerely,


  法國(guó)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū) 7

Dear xxx,

  Knowing where is heading during navigation brings assured happiness. As a student majoring in Biochemistry, I began my odyssey five years ago, when our class had a new biology teacher, who was young and energetic. He taught us in an entertaining way and communicated with us quite well. I liked him very much and was impressed by the knowledge of Biological Sciences. He opened new doors to the realm of Biology in my life. And with time being, I feel more and more sure about my destination. Although the trail of navigation has not always been definitely straight, I believe it leads me to my dream.

  Because of my excellent performance in the National Olympic Mathematics Contest of High School Students in 1994 and my outstanding academic record in senior high school, I had the opportunity to be admitted to Peking University or Tsinghua University, two most selective universities in China, waived of the Admission Examination. But if I took the chance, I couldn’t select biological sciences as my major.

  So I gave up the precious chance and took the Admission Examination. I succeeded and was admitted by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Peking University, which ranks first in biological science education and research in China and has raised many scholars including members of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the first three years in university, my curriculum has a broad range, covering both natural and humanity sciences, as well as putting emphasis not only on biological sciences but also on closely related courses. I have dedicated my energy to my study and have received a complete, profound and strict training in biological sciences with the combined strength of individual and professors help. Playing basketball is also a solid part of my campus life. I am an active member in the basketball team of the College of Life Sciences in Peking University. As a point guard, the organizer of the teams attack, I have learned to make the five players to be a strong group in a game. Last year, we ranked the third in Peking University Cup among the thirty-six teams. This experience endows me a strong sense of responsibility, confidence and team-working spirit.

  To be a successful scientific researcher requires not only academic potential but also independent research ability. A student will develop capability for independent research by working closely with a scholar. For this reason, I entered the National Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Plant Genetic Engineering and participated the Group of Protein Structure and Function. Now I cooperate with two graduate students, one of whom will go to the Harvard Medical School to continue his research work. Our ultimate goal is to develop a new thrombolysis drug, which is supported by the National 863 Hi-Tech Planning. (Please check Research Experience for detail.) By the three months here, I have been able to do many experiments independently and have obtained serious attitude and cooperation in scientific work.

  I have a sublime dream to be one equipped with exceptional experiment skills in addition to advanced scientific and technological knowledge. In my mind Pennsylvania State University is an ideal place to purse the graduate study, which is intellectually exhilarating and challenging. I respect your rigorous scientific approach, original idea and outstanding achievements. I am eager to join a group in which I can make the best use of my capabilities and combine my personal intelligence with group cooperation to full-fill the group’s benefit as well as to make my dream come true.

  The Department of Pharmacology is definitely this type. With the fast development in the field of life sciences, human is getting more and more interested in probing into the nature of life itself and every great achievement in the study of life is sure to put light to our understanding of ourselves and to benefit our people and society as a whole. The field of Pharmacology has particular importance to serve man’s purpose above. A scientist of Pharmacology is not only a researcher, but also the creator of the future world. I think the challenging Pharmacology is the most suitable field for me to begin my graduate study, which is more than a continuation of undergraduate study and is of not only a matter of greater knowledge. The aim of it is to prepare students to enter a profession in which the knowledge is put into daily use. I am interested in the field of signal pathway in tumor formation. Several professors research impressed me, including Dr. Mulder and some other professors. After obtaining my Ph.D., I plan to do research work in an institution either domestically or overseas. I believe that such a position provides the largest room in which I can make the most enthusiastic dedication to the world of sciences.

  I believe the advanced courses, distinguished faculty and the best-equipped laboratories of your group will help me make the desired achievements. With the conviction that I can sustain me through the intense graduate study, I have made the decision to apply for Pennsylvania State University and hope your serious consideration.

  Yours sincerely,


  法國(guó)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū) 8

Dear x,

  My interest in Mathematics initially developed when I began to consider how aset of well-defined points on a plane could be described by a single equation.It was clear that a curve could be drawn through the set of points but, as myknowledge was limited in Year 10, I had to pursue my own research to learn howto deduce the equation of such a curve. Since then, I have come to appreciatehow the many diverse topics in Maths are connected, such as the relationshipbetween number theory and cryptography, as explained in Marcus du Sautoy’s‘Music of the Primes’. I find the prospect of understanding such succincttheories, which can be applied in many industries, as well as forming new onesthrough extensive research, very exciting in today’s ever advancing society.

  The topic to have engaged me the most at A-level has been differentiation. Itis centred on the idea of limits, which relates directly to infinity andinfinitesimals. I first read about Cantor’s continuum hypothesis in Clegg’s ‘ABrief History of Infinity’, and my understanding of infinity has evolved sincethen. The paradoxes associated with infinity and all the counter-intuitivearguments put forward about infinity motivate me to study infinity in detail,and I therefore look forward to the intriguing courses on analysis.

  ‘It may be very hard to define mathematical beauty, but that is just as trueof beauty of any kind’ – Hardy in ‘A Mathematician’s Apology’. I agree withHardy, for I feel that mathematical beauty is inexpressible and yet so common.However, I believe that Maths at school level has lost its beauty, as there isnot enough emphasis on the proofs of theorems and the focus lies in the endresult of a theorem instead. My opinion is that they are equally important, asone cannot exist without the other: you cannot classify something as a theoremunless it has a proof and you cannot have a proof unless it leads to a theorem.However, I have only come across beautiful Maths in proofs and I therefore lookforward to the rigorous approach of being taught Maths at university level,which gives more importance to understanding. Currently, I find some stimulationin attending weekly extension Maths lessons, covering topics that go beyond theregular A-Level syllabus, such as Euclid’s algorithm, the Fibonacci sequence,the continuum hypothesis and proof by induction.

  Maths has been a vital tool in innumerable disciplines, such as programming,medical imaging and code breaking, for thousands of years. I attended a lectureon ‘How Mathematics Drives Computing’ at Imperial College, where a lecturerexplained how he was able to contribute significantly to airline scheduling viahis PhD research work. Such constant evolution and innovation in Maths, with itspotential as an instrument of solving problems and progressing society, attractsme greatly. In my spare time, I write Internet articles frequently onprogramming techniques, such as image scaling and collision detection, to whichover 50 people are subscribed. Moreover, I have received a prize for a project Ideveloped myself.

  I am a School Prefect, which has enhanced my leadership skills. I participatein inter-school hockey matches as part of our School’s team, and I havepractised the art of Taekwondo since I was ten years old. I find Bridgeinteresting and have represented my School in various competitions. I have alsobeen playing the drums for four years. Furthermore, I attend the J S MillSociety, where issues of politics and economics are discussed.

  Sophistication, precision and the axiomatic approach of mathematics havealways appealed to me and I hope to appreciate their efficacy to an even greaterextent at university.

  Yours sincerely,


  法國(guó)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū) 9

Dear xx,

  Basic research has played a key role in the evolutionary process of thehuman race since the dawn of history. Though it may not produce temporary profitsometime, it does bring about profound influence to our life in the long term.Obsessed in the beauty of Nature sine my childhood, I decided to devote all myenergy to explore the secrets of Nature . When I was a high school student, Iborrowed the book "Atoms in the Family " written by Laura Fermi. I was deeplymoved by the research life of Enrico Fermi and his friends. They actively workedtogether with common interests, hitting on significant discoveries throughmutual suggestion and stimulation. How I wish I could experience suchcooperative and original life someday.

  I have devoted most of my time to learn Physics, Mathematics and Biology,cultivated my intuition and imagination. Some problems were every difficult tosolve, they always haunted in my mind for days, but when after unremittingthought, finally the inspiration flashed up. I felt that was one of the mostexciting and joyful moment of life thought, finally the inspiration flashed up,I felt that was one of the most exciting and joyful moment of life .

  My grades in the courses of Physics and Mathematics are the best in myclass To facilitate further study in Physics I selected the courses "AppliedModern Algebra" focusing on the theory of group, ring, field and "The Principleof Real Analysis " concerning the Lebesgue Measure and Calculus. In the courseof Lab of Modern Physics, I did many interesting experiments such as Laser RamanSpectroscopy, x-ray diffraction studies, Mossbauer effect, Optical pumpingmagnetic resonance. Besides, through research work after class. I learned whathad not been taught before, e.g. how to model the real world, how to apply thetheory to practice and got more understanding about the projects.

  As a student major in Optoelectronics at the Department of ElectronicEngineering, I am also versed in Electronics, Computer Science, CommunicationSystem and Laser Technology through firm and a large quantity of practicaltraining. For example, I have made the computer simulations of electroniccircuits, programmed optimum algorithm for rapid search, designed and compositeda simple CPU project, In our Lab of Lasers and Optoelectronics, I completed manyexperiments about tunable dye lasers, static properties of solid lasers andQ-switched dyes, second harmonic lasers, holography and optical modulators.These are all useful means for basic research.

  Your graduate school has the marvelous academic environment and the highquality of Ph. D. Education I have expected. I hope I could join you to learn tobe an independent researcher with broad base of natural sciences. I also hope tocombine the Chinese Ancient Philosophy with Modern Science in the United States.Upon completion of the study, I shall return to my motherland and further myresearch to do more contribution for the common benefit of society. I shallreturn to my motherland graduate status endowed by Tsinghua University, so if Ican not get your admission. I have to study by myself while making a living.

  The unforgettable song often sounds in my mind. "Climb every mountain, fordevery stream, follow every rainbow till you " till you find your dream. A dreamthat will need all the love you can give, every day of your life for as long asyou live. I am sure that someday my dream of research life will come true.

  Yours ,


  法國(guó)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū) 10

Dear x,

  Academically, I have always been a very determined and studious individual,hence why I knew that a degree at University would be the definite next step. Ihave a broad interest in many subject areas yet feel drawn towards a law orbusiness orientated degree. With regards to Business, the reasoning behind mychoice is the complex and intriguing nature of the subject. I particularly enjoythe way business so appropriately blends in with everyday issues. Since takingthe subject at A-Level my interest has grown and matured and I am able to viewmany businesses analytically and make suggestions regarding possibleimprovements. Law is an area which has interested me from an early age. I enjoyextensive reading and recognise that this is essential in studying law. Iconsider myself to be well suited to a career in law as I pay much attention todetail and take pleasure in undergoing work which raises social issues intodays society and requires the skill to manipulate evidence and presentpersuasive arguments. I also believe that the Psychology A-Level I have hasaided me in observing the actions of others and how their opinions and memoriesare influenced by external factors. This area of work requires much confidencewhich I believe I posses and can use to my advantage in order to gainrecognition in this competitive field of work.

  My work experience is very broad due to a variety of positions I have heldin differentiating working environments. My experience working for RoyalWorchester & Spode in the Debenhams department store has been the mostinfluential. The up-market company requires a confidant disposition from a SalesAdvisor such as myself and a proficient memory in order to ensure productknowledge is to an optimum standard. I was also given the responsibility totrain a new employee which displays the high degree of trust my employers havefor me.

  My educational experiences have been of great use to me from a position ofform captain in Secondary School to aiding the organisation of mass celebrationsin College. Responsibilities such as these have helped me to mature and take mypositions seriously so that I am respected by staff. My position of EnglishPrefect in Year 11 required a large portion of my time as I was in charge ofaiding the entire English department. My interest in the Italian language hasalso led me to have an article I wrote regarding the exploitation of women onItalian Television published in LItaliano newspaper, to which I was verycontent to have my views expressed.

  During Secondary School I also attended evening Italian classes where I waspresented with The Student of the Year Award due to my excellent standard ofwork. The class required me to organise my time efficiently so that otherschoolwork did not suffer as a result of my extra GCSE. As a result of theseclasses and of my Italian parents I now speak the language fluently

  Sport and leisure also interests me and during college I decided to usethis interest to do charity work for RNIB where I raised GBP250 and abseiled120ft down Westminster University. I played Netball for the Harrow Netball Teamand competed in the OGI UK Games for the Harrow and Wembley team where I wasawarded several trophies and a gold and bronze medal for long jump andjavelin.












