


時(shí)間:2024-02-16 09:42:47 英語作文 我要投稿




學(xué)英語作文 篇1


學(xué)英語作文 篇2

  day had broken cold and gray, eceedingly cold and gray, when the man turned aside from the main yukon trail and climbed the high earth-bank, where a dim and little traveled trail led eastward through the fat spruce timberland。 it was a steep bank, and he paused for breath at the top, ecusing the act to himself by looking at his watch。 it was nine oclock。 there was no sun nor hint of sun, though there was not a cloud in the sky。 it was a clear day, and yet there seemed an intangible pall over the face of things, a subtle gloom that made the day dark, and that was due to the absence of sun。 this fact did not worry the man。 he was used to the lack of sun。 it had been days since he had seen the sun, and he knew that a few more-days must pass before that cheerful orb, due south, would just peep above the sky-line and dip immediately from view。

  the man flung a look back along the way he had come。 the yukon lay a mile wide and hidden under three feet of ice。 on top of this ice were as many feet of snow。 it was all pure white, rolling in gentle, undulations where the ice jams of the freeze-up had formed。 north and south, as far as his eye could see, it was unbroken white, save for a dark hairline that curved and twisted from around the spruce-covered island to the south, and that curved and twisted away into the north, where it disappeared behind another spruce-covered island。 this dark hair-line was the trail--the main trail--that led south five hundred miles to the chilcoot pass, dyea, and salt water; and that led north seventy miles to dawson, and still on to the north a thousand miles to nulato, and finally to st。 michael on bering sea, a thousand miles and half a thousand more。

  but all this--the mysterious, far-reaching hair-line trail。 the absence of sun from the sky, the tremendous cold, and the strangeness and weirdness of it all--made no impression on the man。 it was not because he was long used to it。 he was a newcomer! in the land, a chechaquo, and this was his first winter。 the trouble with him was that he was without imagination。 he was quick and alert in the things of life, but only in the things, and not in the significances。 fifty degrees below zero meant eighty-odd degrees of frost。 such fact impressed him as being cold and uncomfortable, and that was all。 it did not lead him to meditate upon his frailty as a creature of temperature, and upon mans frailty in general, able only to live within certain narrow limits of heat and cold; and from there on it did not lead him to the conjectural field of immortality and mans place in the universe。 fifty degrees below zero stood forte bite of frost that hurt and that must be guarded against by the use of mittens, ear-flaps, warm moccasins, and thick socks。 fifty degrees below zero was to him just precisely fifty degrees below zero。 that there should be anything more to it than that was a thought that never entered his head。

  as he turned to go on, he spat speculatively。 there was a sharp, eplosive crackle that startled him。 he spat again。 and again, in the air, before it could fall to the snow, the spittle crackled。 he knew that at fifty below spittle crackled on the snow, but this spittle had crackled in the air。 undoubtedly it was colder than fifty below--how much colder he did not know。 but the temperature did not matter。 he was bound for the old claim on the left fork of henderson creek, where the boys were already。 they had come over across the divide from the indian creek country, while he had come the roundabout way to take; a look at the possibilities of getting out logs in the spring from the islands in the yukon。 he would be in to camp by si oclock; a bit after dark, it was true, but the boys would be there, a fire would be going, and a hot supper would be ready。 as for lunch, he pressed his hand against the protruding bundle under his jacket。 it was also under his shirt, wrapped up in a handkerchief and lying against the naked skin。 it was the only way to keep the biscuits from freezing。 he smiled agreeably to himself as he thought of those biscuits, each cut open and sopped in bacon grease, and each enclosing a generous slice of fried bacon。

  he plunged in among the big spruce trees。 the trail was faint。 a foot of snow had fallen since the last sled had passed over, and he was glad he was without a sled, traveling light。 in fact, he carried nothing but the lunch wrapped in the handkerchief。 he was surprised, however, at the cold。 it certainly was cold, he concluded as he rubbed his numb nose and cheek-bones with his mittened hand。 he was a warm-whiskered man, but the hair on his face did not protect the high cheek-bones and the eager nose that thrust itself aggressively into the frosty air。

  at the mans heels trotted a dog, a big native husky, the proper wolfdog, gray-coated and without any visible or temperamental difference from its brother, the wild wolf。 the animal was depressed by the tremendous cold。 it knew that it was no time for traveling。 its instinct told it a truer tale than was told to the man by the mans judgment。 in reality, it was not merely colder than fifty below zero; it was colder than sity below, than seventy below。 it was seventy-five below zero。 since the freezing point is thirty-two above zero, it meant that one hundred and seven degrees of frost obtained。 the dog did not know anything about thermometers。 possibly in its brain there was no sharp consciousness of a condition of very cold such as was in the mans brain。 but the brute had its instinct。 it eperienced a vague but menacing apprehension that subdued it and made it slink along at the mans heels, and that made it question eagerly every unwonted movement of the man as if epecting him to go into camp or to seek shelter somewhere and build a fire。 the dog had learned fire, and it wanted fire, or else to burrow under the snow and cuddle its warmth away from the air。

  the frozen moisture of its breathing had settled on its fur in a fine powder of frost, and especially were its jowls, muzzle, and eyelashes whitened by its crystalled breath。 the mans red beard and mustache were likewise frosted, but more solidly, the deposit taking the form of ice and increasing with every warm, moist breath he ehaled。 also, the man was chewing tobacco, and the muzzle of ice held his lips so rigidly that he was unable to clear his chin when he epelled the juice。 the result was that a crystal beard of the color and solidity of amber was increasing its length on his chin。 if he fell down it would shatter itself, like glass, into brittle fragments。 but he did not mind the appendage。 it was the penalty all tobacco-chewers paid in that country, and he had been out before in two cold snaps。 they had not been so cold as this, he knew, but by the spirit thermometer at sity mile he knew they had been registered at fifty below and at fifty-five。

  he held on through the level stretch of woods for several miles, crossed a wide flat of rigger-heads, and dropped down a bank to the frozen bed of a small stream。 this was henderson creek, and he knew he was ten miles from the forks。 he looked at his watch。 it was ten oclock。 he was making four miles an hour, and he calculated that he would arrive at the forks at half-past twelve。 he decided to celebrate that event by eating his lunch there。

  the dog dropped in again at his heels, with a tail drooping discouragement, as the man swung along the creek-bed。 the furrow of the old sled-trail was plainly visible, but a dozen inches of snow covered the marks of the last runners。 in a month no man had come up or down that silent creek。 the man held steadily on。 he was not much given to thinking, and just then particularly he had nothing to think about save that he would eat lunch at-the forks and that at si oclock he would be in camp with the boys。 there was nobody to talk to; and, had there been, speech would have been impossible because of the ice-muzzle on his mouth。 so he continued monotonously to chew tobac

學(xué)英語作文 篇3

  Teacher’s Inspiration I used to hate studying, because I felt I was bad in study, my score always belonged to the last ones. I really wanted to give up, I felt I was a fool. One day, when I was having English class, I distracted, my mind was thinking other things, because English was my weakness. Then my teacher asked me to answer her question, I just did not know how to say, my mind got blank, I felt so embarrassed, I was very afraid of being laughed at. Then my teacher led me close to the answer, at last, I made it. I was so happy, my teacher praised me, she said I was a talented student, if I was careful, I could do much better. I was so astonished, I thought my teacher did not like me, well it was not. I became confident and made great progress, teacher’s inspiration is so important for me.


學(xué)英語作文 篇4


  我也打算逗她老人家一下:“是啊,老師教的!薄袄蠋熃棠阋淮笤缒罱(jīng)作啥呀?”我聽了不禁暗暗一笑,說:“奶奶,這是英語,跟語文數(shù)學(xué)一樣重要,學(xué)它是為了跟外國人交流,與世界接軌。”“啥?外國人?哦!蹦棠趟贫嵌攸c(diǎn)了點(diǎn)頭?上肓艘粫(huì)兒,奶奶眉毛一挑,臉板了起來,,一副嚴(yán)肅的樣子!澳棠淘趺戳耍俊蔽铱茨棠踢@副模樣不禁有點(diǎn)擔(dān)心。奶奶說:“清清呀,這是不是日本人說的話啊?如果是的話,你就算考零分我也不會(huì)責(zé)怪你的。”我聽了,什么都明白了,原來奶奶有著強(qiáng)烈的.愛國之情,于是便笑著說:“奶奶,這是英國人講的語言,所以叫‘英語’!薄霸瓉硎沁@樣啊,能不能教我?guī)拙浒。肯葟淖詈唵蔚拈_始,寶貝孫女。”奶奶的臉色緩和了不少,湊上來對(duì)我說!班,那我就教你見面時(shí)打招呼的語言吧,跟我念‘hi,how are you?’!

  結(jié)果奶奶根據(jù)他的音,來寫出漢字來了:“嗨,好啊有?”我倒。雖然有點(diǎn)“無賴”的味道,但奶奶好歹是學(xué)會(huì)了。這主要在于奶奶每天早上都扯著嗓子吼道:“嗨,好啊有?”震得你耳膜發(fā)癢。答句“fine,thank you”被奶奶說成“反應(yīng),三克油”。這足可以讓每個(gè)教英語的老師有足夠的打擊。

學(xué)英語作文 篇5

  Today, every product’s asking for earning more profits in the shortest time, so the manufacturers sell cheap products to the customers. The chasing of profit makes people lose their patience to create products with higher quality. The craftsman’s spirit seems to fade away.


  We have come to the age of information. The news spreads very fast with the development of Internet. As a result, being famous can be very easy. Many young stars gain a lot of public attention by joining the live shows. Their companies seize every chance to let them earn fame and money, so these young stars continually show in the screen, and ignore of receiving comment by unprofessional acting. As they are young, they need to slow down their pace and try to be more professional.


  The key word of craftsman’s spirit is better quality. Today, the living pace is so fast that craftsman’s spirit has been ignored by most people. When people do the task, they think the standard of almost done is OK. The way we treat the task will decide the quality of our life, so we need to chase for betterment and make our life delicate.











